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Jenny - Mississippi-Missouri & Faundland Kennels

in Memory

If there are no dogs in paradise, then after death I want to go where they went.

Mississippi-Missouri Geamidnightlady

narodená /Born: 30.10.2007

otec /Father: Midnight Lady´s My Heartgoes Boom (Snob)

matka /Mother: Ciara Missisipi Misouri Faundland (Ciara)

majiteľ /owner: Dagmar Velčická

DBK 0/0, DLK 0/0, cystinuria carrier, heart clear








Rodokmen / Pedigree: Mississippi-Missouri Geamidnightlady

Midnight Lady's My Heart Goes Boom Jubilee You're The Top Pouch Cove's Favorite Son Schooner's Yosef of Newton-Ark
Souvenir of Pouch Cove
Jubilee's Anything Goes Highland Bear of Pouch Cove
Tuckamore's Lady Be Good 
Midnight Lady's Handpainted Midnight Lady's Great Expectation Twillin Gate Quomandor
Midnight Lady's Diorissimo
Mount Cook Nugget Nini Of Midnight Lady Pouch Cove's Patriot of Cayuga
Cannon Bear's Greta Garbo
Ciara Missisipi Misouri Faundland Ignacious The Lifeguard Pouch Cove's Britannia Rico Kilyka's Amen Amen
Britannia's Berry Of Pouch Cove
Midnight Lady's I'm Not That Kind Midnight Lady's Ghost Buster
Midnight Lady's Flash Dance
Us Mississippi Missouri Faundland Amadeus Rock Me Midnightlady Midnight Lady's Express Yourself
Seabrook Amadeus Michaela Tabu
Midnight Lady's Koh-I-Noor Twillin Gate Shakakhan
Midnight Lady's Handsup Baby'Sue

Ak v raji nie sú psi, potom chcem ísť tam, kde šli oni.

in memory