news information

After a long time, we were at a dog show. It was the first show of our young hope.

They were amazed !! Thank you for your help and photo of our friends.

Polgar Andras judge: Bonka Georgieva Laslo (BG)


Our team:

Mississippi-Missouri Zadar - young class excellent 2

Mississippi-Missouri Xander - intermedia class excellent 2, R.CAC

Mississippi-Missouri Volcano Of Love - open class very good (This one is a junior champion Slovakia, campion Slovakia and he is between 10 top dogs in Slovakia) owner: Martina Radka Aľakšová

Mississippi-Missouri Zara - young class excellent 2

Mississippi-Missouri Xena - intermedia class excellent 2, R.CAC

Mississippi-Missouri Wivien - intermedia class excellent 3

Mississippi-Missouri Young Love - open class excellent 2, R.CAC

Mississippi-Missouri Wanda - open class excellent 4, owner Maros Polak


Ak v raji nie sú psi, potom chcem ísť tam, kde šli oni.

in memory