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Chovateľská stanica ,,Mississippi-Missouri ‘‘ bola založená v roku 1999, majiteľ Dagmar Velčická a chov.
Ja som s nufíkmi vyrastala od detstva. Prvého psa priniesol môj otec, keď mi bolo 6 rokov. Od toho
času boli po mojom boku neustále. Prežili sme spolu krásne aj tažké chvíle. Sklamanie aj radosť.
Pokoru aj hrdosť. Ukázali mi ako vie byt príroda krásna a zároveň krutá. Ukázali mi cestu života.
Spoznali sme veľa ľudí. Až sa moja cesta spojila s Faundland kennel. A tak od roku 2014 sme sa vydali na spoločnú cestu.
Chovateľská stanica „Faundland‘‘ vznikla v roku 1986 majiteľ Andras Polgar.
Faundland kennel je jedna z prvyýh chovateľských staníc púsobiacich v Srbsku. Prvý newfy prišiel
v roku 1981. Odchovala mnohých skvelých psov, ktoré múžme nájsť v rodokmeňoch našich nufíkov.
V roku 1999 sa Andras Polgar stal all rounder v posudzovaní psov. Dnes ho múžte stretnúť na roznych výstavach ako posudzovateľa.
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Welcome to our site.
The Mississippi-Missouri kennel were founded in 1999 by Dagmar Velcicka
I have grown with newfoundlands since my childhood. The first dog was brought by my father when I was 6
years old. Since that time, they have always been on my side.
We had nice and also bad times together. Disappointments and joy. Humility and pride. They showed me how
beautiful the nature is and in the same way also cruel. They showed me the way of life.
We met a lot of people. As long as my path became connected with the Faundland kennels, so, starting in 2014,
we set out on a common path.
The Faundland kennel were founded in 1986 by Andras Polgar.
The Faundland kennel is one of the first kennels in Serbia. The first Newfoundland arrived in 1981. The kennel
have left many of the great dogs, which we can find in the pedigrees of our dogs. In 1999, Andras Polgar became
all rounder FCI exterior judge. Today you can meet him at the shows as a judge.
What to add at the end. We wish you a pleasant stay on our pages. We try to show you all our goal. I think that's
going to say more than words.